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Lower Risk with Open Source Spinnaker Support

Balaji Sivasubramanian February 14, 2018
Spinnaker is gaining momentum as the preferred enterprise continuous delivery platform among leading companies in the world including Target,  Intuit, Waze, Veritas, and Netflix.   Many forward-thinking organizations are looking for Open Source based  CI/CD solutions to avoid the vendor lock-in that comes with closed-source CD solutions.  Running Open Source software and managing the life-cycle of various patches and features in production environments could be daunting for most enterprises without a dedicated support staff.
Fortunately, you now have an option to use Spinnaker Open Source software and get dedicated support from OpsMx team.  We offer 24×7 Spinnaker Enterprise-class support.
If you are interested in a managed Spinnaker solution, please email us at info@opsmx.com to schedule a discussion of your needs.

Benefits of getting OSS Spinnaker support from OpsMx include

Reduced Risk:  Use Open Source Software(OSS) Spinnaker without the worrying about the complexities of OSS with Enterprise-class support from OpsMx.

Validated Stable OSS Release:  Get validated latest OSS release update immediately following community release. Get the latest community enhancements without the risks of the new version breaking any of your existing integrations or features.

Same OSS Spinnaker:  Download our pre-validated versions directly from Spinnaker GitHub using Halyard.    We will also upstream any enhancements/fixes that we may make for you.  We also do not make any proprietary closed source variants of the Spinnaker.

No Lock-in:   We provide support for Spinnaker OSS,  so if you choose not to continue your support contract with us, you are free to support it yourself and, you don’t have to change a thing.

If you are interested, send your inquiries to info@opsmx.com.


Balaji Sivasubramanian

Balaji Sivasubramanian is the Vice President of Product at OpsMx. He is passionate about creating and evangelizing winning products with expertise in all aspects of the business – strategy, product management, product marketing, GTM, and business development in early-stage startups and innovative companies. He is a Subject Matter Expert in CI/CD, DevOps, Applications, Containers/Microservices, Data Center IT / Cloud Infrastructure - Network, Compute, and Storage, IT Security, Machine Learning and AI, Enterprise, SaaS, and Cloud. He is an ambassador for the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF).

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