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Integrating Chaos Monkey with Spinnaker

Balaji Sivasubramanian November 8, 2018

Chaos Monkey is one of the popular tools used to test the reliability of cloud native applications. If you are using Spinnaker continuous delivery for multi-cloud deployment, you are already probably aware that Chaos Monkey is directly integrated with Spinnaker. You can enable Chaos Monkey to terminate instances of applications with the ability to control the frequency and other parameters.

In the recently concluded Spinnaker Summit, Steven Basgall from GogoAir presented a session about how to integrate Chaos Monkey to Spinnaker and some of the best practices. If you missed the session, check the video below.

Also, you should check out the Nora Jones video from AWS Re-Invent about Chaos Monkey as well

At OpsMx, we automate the analysis of the Chaos events using machine learning models in addition to the automated Canary, Blue/Green and Rolling update analysis.

If interested, email us at info@opsmx.com for a free trial of our Autopilot solution.


Balaji Sivasubramanian

Balaji Sivasubramanian is the Vice President of Product at OpsMx. He is passionate about creating and evangelizing winning products with expertise in all aspects of the business – strategy, product management, product marketing, GTM, and business development in early-stage startups and innovative companies. He is a Subject Matter Expert in CI/CD, DevOps, Applications, Containers/Microservices, Data Center IT / Cloud Infrastructure - Network, Compute, and Storage, IT Security, Machine Learning and AI, Enterprise, SaaS, and Cloud. He is an ambassador for the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF).

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